26 December 2010

Book: Robert Bellarmine and Thomas Hobbes: Political theologies in comparison (in Italian)

For those able to read Italian: Enrica Fabbri, "Roberto Bellarmino e Thomas Hobbes: Teologie politiche a confronto" (Robert Bellarmine and Thomas Hobbes: Political theologies in comparison; my translation; Aracne editrice, 2009):


Publisher's description: "In the wake of the renewed urgency of the issue of the relationship between religion and politics and, more specifically, the themes of political theology, the book explores some aspects of the thought of Thomas Hobbes, on the one hand offering a possibly more analytical reconstruction of the presence of Robert Bellarmine in his texts, on the other problematizing the relationship between the theologico-political views of the English philosopher and those of the Presbyterians. The basic intention is to account for the continued interest in theology shown by Hobbes and to highlight the specifically political reasons for this attention, in order to propose a reading of Hobbesian thought that, while it cannot disregard Carl Schmitt's interpretation, aims to show its problematic, especially on the side of the question of neutralization of religious conflicts." (my very rough translation, helped by Google Translate)

Enrica Fabbri holds a research doctorate in Political Studies from the University of Turin and is continuing her research in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Florence.

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